Thursday Night Football

Football, Football, Football.... What else can I say? Having shot my second take on football this week was very interesting. Thursday night I headed out thinking that maybe I could get ahead of this weekly assignment and get some good shots. Welp it just so happened that around half time, mother nature or whoever you... Continue Reading →

Car Troubles

It twas a dark and stormy night on Thursday August 30, 2018. Our protagonist, Samantha, was driving late that night after the local football game was canceled, to Sheets to grab a late snack and fill up on gas. At around 11 p.m., Samantha existed the store to continue her journey home where she hoped... Continue Reading →

Dirty Dancing

By the end of next week I will probably be tired of talking about this event, but for now the experience I had at the Dirty Dancing festival at Lake Lure was unreal. For one of our photojournalism assignments, I decided to travel to Lake Lure in per soot of filming this interesting event. When... Continue Reading →


Sports photography is one of my top favorite realms to cover when I have my camera (and of course the game). I have had the opportunity to photograph baseball, soccer, basketball, and even some forms of hunting, yet I have never ventured onto a football field in the hopes of photographing the sport. In fact... Continue Reading →

Honey-Bee Festival/ Event 1

Saturday afternoon I headed out to Kernersville to try out my luck at the Honey Bee Festival in hopes that I could shoot some footage for an assignment coming up for my photojournalism class. Sadly, I couldn't find a cohesive way to go about shooting the assignment with this event, but I did have a... Continue Reading →

The Wishing Tree

Recently over break I had the opportunity to travel to Boone and on my escapade I found the quaintest little shop, called Take Heart. This small locally owned lavender painted building held the cutest little nick-nacks and small treasure, but what stood out most of all was the tree outside of the store front. Just... Continue Reading →

Norfolk Botanical Garden

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to travel up to Norfolk, Virginia and tour their beautiful botanical garden. The large area contained mile long pathways filled with different species of plants, an assortment of statues, fun play areas for the little ones, and calming sitting areas to sit and truly appreciate nature. It was... Continue Reading →

Red(neck), White, and Blue

Every 4th of July, my family and I head over to a friend's to celebrate the holiday the right way. Rednecks from all around gather in the front yard of everyone's local Aunt Lori for an afternoon filled with good food, great people, and a spectacular fireworks show. The evening starts out with an American... Continue Reading →

Road Trip To Food Trucks

What better way to spend a Saturday then to jump in your car and drive up to a local scenic view, aka Pilot Mountain? With nothing on my table to do (besides maybe the laundry, cleaning my room, and the endless trainings for work) and an empty stomach, I embarked on a short road trip... Continue Reading →

Wedding Bells

This weekend I had the privilege of witnessing my lifelong best friend marry the love of her life and can I just say they make the most beautiful couple. I am so blessed to have both of them in my life and as my friends. And although things got a little hectic towards the end,... Continue Reading →

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